Grant Recipient Notes of Appreciation
“Our partnership with you makes an important difference, meal by meal, day by day, person by person.”
“Your support is crucial in helping young people like me break free from the cycle of poverty gripping our region.”
Kaitlin, Scholarship Recipient
“I wanted to show you our new piece of equipment in the vision clinic! We used it for the first-time last week and Dr. Joan, pictured here, said it was such a nice piece of equipment that it matched her manual prescription PERFECTLY! We are so excited and grateful to the foundation for this!”
“You are one of our Heroes of Hope. Because of your generosity, ….is actively assisting individuals affected by the devastating floods in Eastern Kentucky.”
“We are so excited to be able to offer these scholarships to our nursing students. This is a critical time in healthcare, and we appreciate the King’s Daughters and Sons Foundation of Kentucky, Inc. for supporting our future nurses by investing in their education at ACTC.”
Brooke, Director of Resource Development
“You’ve given the best gift to children with visual impairments! The gift of learning.”
“Thank you for trusting us to serve our neighbors facing hunger so that no one goes to be hungry in our service area.”
“Together, we will impact the development and education of children with visual impairments and blindness residing in our communities.”
“You gave a child a course-altering gift, a voice to speak up for her in court.”
“We have a new Toyota Sienna thanks to help from the King’s Daughters and Sons Foundation of Kentucky, Inc. ………It is beautiful and will assist us in transporting our women and children to their appointments.”
“Beyond food for today, your compassion and support deliver much needed hope for tomorrow.”
“Your choice to support our college exemplifies your commitment to student success.”
“The 2022 grant awarded made such a significant difference in the lives of our clients – securing them valuable interview/work ready attire..”
“The foundation’s philanthropy directly contributes to Berea student’s ability to persevere inside and outside the classroom”
The King’s Daughters and Sons Foundation of Kentucky, Inc. Recognition
Berea College’s 2019 National Philanthropy Day Award was presented to The King’s Daughters and Sons Foundation of Kentucky, Inc. (TKDSF) on November 8, 2019. TKDSF received the Award during the 33rd Annual National Philanthropy Day Celebration sponsored by the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Bluegrass Chapter. This award is to celebrate “those who have made a significant contribution of time and resources to nonprofit agencies and therefore richly enhance the quality of life in our communities”. Berea College also presented a Proclamation from the Office of the President, Lyle D. Roelofs, recognizing “…The King’s Daughters and Sons Foundation of Kentucky for its commitment to strengthening education and ensuring an enduring nursing practice across the Commonwealth.”

From left: Marc Craft, CPA – TKDSF Treasurer; Kay Yates, Ed. D., System Director of Development of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System; Joy Feist, TKDSF President; and Susan Ware, President, APF Bluegrass Chapter.
The Association of Fundraising Professionals, Kentucky Bluegrass Chapter presented The King’s Daughters and Sons Foundation of Kentucky, Inc. (TKDSF) an award for Community Philanthropy. The Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) nominated TKDSF for this award which was presented on November 2, 2018 during the National Philanthropy Day Lexington Celebration. As stated in the program, “National Philanthropy Day celebrates those who have made a significant contribution of time and resources to nonprofit agencies and therefore richly enhance the quality of life in our communities.”